Library Loot is a weekly event/meme co-hosted by Eva and Marg that encourages bloggers to share the books they’ve checked out from the library. Anybody can participate in this meme and at any time during the week. All you have to do, is to link your blog post to the Mr Linky present in Eva/Marg's blog. This weeks Mr Linky is over at Marg's blog.
This is the first meme that I am part of in the blogosphere and it's an apt one for me as most of the books I read are borrowed from the local library.
In the past week, 4 of the books that I had requested, were available for pickup and guess what.....when I went to pick them up, I was lucky to find another book that I have been wanting to read, in the library's floating collection shelf... so overall it's been a good week for me in terms of books... :) I have listed below my last week's loot:
Book Title: The Forbidden Daughter
Author: Shoban Bhantwal
ISBN: 978-0-7582-2030-1
I read some good reviews about this book(unfortunately I can't seem to remember on whose blogs' I had read those reviews) and decided I wanted to read it. I am reading this as part of the South Asian Authors Challenge(SAAC).
Book Title: The White Tiger
Author: Aravind Adiga
ISBN: 978-1-4165-6259-7
The White Tiger has been on my radar for a long time now. This is the author, Aravind Adiga's debut novel and he won the "2008 Man Booker Prize for Fiction" for this book.
I had borrowed this book from a friend last year and had started reading it but somehow the book did not keep me very interested and I hardly got through the first couple of chapters before it was time to return the book.. so here I am, taking my second chance at reading this book... and this time I intend to complete the book!! I am reading this also as a part of SAAC.
Book Title: Water for Elephants
Author: Sara Gruen
ISBN: 978-1-56512-499-8
I discovered about this author from Jen's BEA post and I realized that I haven't yet read any of her books and so, requested this at my library. The story is set during the Great Depression and revolves around the world of Circus...I am looking forward to reading this book....
Author: Indu Sundaresan
ISBN: 978-0-7434-2818-8
This is the first book in the Taj Trilogy and is the story of an empress called Mehrunnisa who lived during the Mughal era in India and was married to the Emperor Jahangir. The other two novels in this trilogy are "The Feast of Roses" and "Shadow Princess".
This is the first book in the Taj Trilogy and is the story of an empress called Mehrunnisa who lived during the Mughal era in India and was married to the Emperor Jahangir. The other two novels in this trilogy are "The Feast of Roses" and "Shadow Princess".
Book Title: My Name is Mary Sutter
Author: Robin Oliveira
ISBN: 978-0-670-02167-3
This is one of the latest books that have been getting rave reviews from all the book bloggers and so I had to pick it up when I found it on the "floating-books " shelf... :)
And finally I have one more book that I got at a great deal from the library's "On-sale" cart and I just couldn't resist buying it....
Book Title: The Post-Birthday World
Author: Lionel Shriver
ISBN: 978-0-06-118784-1
I had added this book to my wishlist after I read a very frank and honest review over at Devourer of Books... and now I finally have my own personal copy of the book to read.... :)
I had added this book to my wishlist after I read a very frank and honest review over at Devourer of Books... and now I finally have my own personal copy of the book to read.... :)
Well... those were my books for the week.... have you read any of these books??? What are your views on them???? Looking forward to hearing them...
It looks like you came home with some really good books. I have The Twentieth Wife on my shelf but haven't had a chance to read it yet. The Forbidden Daughter sounds really good too.
@ Darlene: yup I managed to get all the good books at one go and now hopefully I can finish reading them before their due date... :)
Great loot! I'm really anxious to read Water for Elephants.
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